Who We Are

Who We Are

Space Capital Club is the private capital investment platform sponsored by Space Holding with a base capital availability of Euro 200 million.

Its mission is to identify outstanding companies in their reference sector - with a strong growth and internationalisation propensity and the ambition to open up to the capital market - and to support ownership and management through financial resources and Space team experience contribution.

Space Capital Club team includes a group of professionals with proven experience and complementary set of expertise in private equity, in capital markets and M&A and in corporate governance. Since 2013, the team invested around Euro 1 billion of capital and brought its professionalism to the service of target companies development.
The team can count on the contribution of 3 specialists with significant sectoral skills: technology & digital, pharma & healthcare and family business.
Their contribution strengthens both the investment process and the investee companies later support and development activities.

Together with Space Team, over 30 qualified investors joined Space Capital Club platform, including some of the most important Italian entrepreneurial families and an institutional investor. Space Capital Club investors both entrepreneurial know-how and networking and direct involvement in the investment opportunities evaluation process are an initiative asset. Investors will be able to invest directly in the investment targets presented by Space Capital Club through vehicles created specifically for each transaction.




Board of Directors
It is composed by five members, four of Space team and an independent one.
Chairman – Sergio Erede
Members – Roberto Italia, Carlo Pagliani, Edoardo Subert and Carolina Gianardi (independent)

Board of Statutory Auditors
It is composed by five members, three statutory auditors and two alternate auditors.
Chairman – Filippo Cova
Members – Salvatore Pasquale and Carlo Perno statutory auditors, Alberto Fiore and Marco Ruzza alternate auditors

Investment committee
It’s composed by ten members, five from Space team and five appointed by investors.
Chairman – Andrea Abbati Marescotti
Members – Fabio Buttignon, Ugo Loser, Carlo Pagliani, Vincenzo Polidoro, Matteo Renzulli, Luca Rovati, Edoardo Subert and Leopoldo Zambeletti